Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Warming Up

Hi kids. Chances are you stumbled upon this blog because you know either Will or myself, and for that I am sorry. But you're here now, so you might as well give us a couple minutes because whether or not you've ever picked up a baseball in your life, listening to a couple of nostalgic white boys ramble about their sorry pasts can actually be funny, and will probably make you walk away feeling a lot better about yourself. Who knows how long this will last, but I recommend you set us as your home page and check back every 15 minutes because you don't want to be the out-of-the-loop clown left out of the conversation in the line for flank steak.

I'll admit that the primary focus of this blog is the glory days of playing ball. But we're not talking about walk-off hits, big strikeouts, or gutsy performances that beat the odds. No. I never did any of those things, so I wouldn't even know where to start. This bad boy of a blog is more about the intangibles--the Mondo's and fruit snacks you got after games, the 14-year-old kid who cried when he made an error, and the way you absolutely, 100% knew for years that you would be playing in the big leagues within the next decade. The posts that follow are truly a conglomeration of random conversations that take place between Will and me during the majority of any given Intermediate Microeconomic Theory class taught by Professor James X. Sullivan, which is why my test grades are like JFK, hippies, and the Viet Cong--they're all in the 60's.

This is life as viewed through the eyes of a portly little fellow who had a decent little career (if I do say so myself). If you know anything about Will or myself, though, you'll know this blog will inevitably evolve into a stream of consciousness about 90's music, manhood, stupid jokes, and random commentary on the shenanigans that is daily life as a 20-something. Right now you are saying to yourself, "Holy cow! That sounds absolutely hilarious. These guys are even funnier on the computer than they are in real life. I was already laughing really hard at that joke at the end of the previous paragraph, but this really sealed the deal. I can't wait to read more and sit with Dan next time I eat lunch at the dining hall." Correct.

I leave you now with what will hopefully become one of the biggest traditions of In From the Bullpen: a YouTube clip that is either random or completely relevant to the day's post. For our inaugural edition, young Adam Peterson embodies everything this blog stands for: little athletic skill, a happy-go-lucky attitude, and a general lack of awareness of the persons, places, or things around him. Enjoy.


  1. Boys, terrific. Also, let the record show

    I am the gnarest dude on campus!!!!!!

  2. you couldn't have chosen a better video

  3. Clever 60's comment, but technically the Viet Cong, and "hippies" for that matter, did blend into the early/low 70's. You should have learned that in your high school history class.

  4. I appreciate your insight Anonymous. Just sit tight and hope my next test grade cracks 70 and we have a non-issue.
